Whilst I was washing up the other day (stop gasping with astonishment those related to me, it gets better) A came in and noticed a small puddle of water on the floor. I wasn’t concerned, my somewhat unorthodox washing up style often results in both myself the cupboard door and the floor having smatterings of bubbles and water. After running the water away however there was definitely more of a puddle; I am messy but not that bad.
So today I decided to be grown up and wise. I thought I would leave the washing up in the sink to prevent further flood-age, and call our landlord to sort out a plumber. He gave us the number for an emergency plumber which I thought was a bit much, but it turns out he knows me better than I know myself. Whilst I had done all my sensible stuff, I had casually put the washing machine on thinking I should do something even if I was leaving the dishes in the sink.
Sadly my brain doesn’t quite connect the fact that washing machines need water to run…about 20 minutes later there was a large puddle of water swooshing merrily across the floor. In a panic I phoned the plumbermen again and they reassured me that as it was already an urgent call a plumberman would be with me within 3 hours. An hour later a knock at the door and a knight in blue overalls was there, case in hand.
“Blimey that’s a lot of water, are you sure it’s not a continuous leak?” he asked bemused. Reluctantly I confessed my slightly unintelligent move of running a large water-based appliance and his bemused look dissolved into one of stifled humour.
Half an hour later (with me intermittently hovering around the door and disappearing into the lounge; what are you supposed to do when you have someone doing maintenance?!) it was all fixed; apparently the pipe had come away completely resulting in the entire contents of the cupboard under the sink now resembling a soggy mess. Actually not resembling, actually being. You know what I mean. The kitchen was also still covered in a pool of soapy and now slightly muddy water due to the nice plumberman being a tad reluctant to wade around in just socks.
Luckily I have a very lovely soon-to-be-mother-in-law who came round whilst I was out this afternoon and cleaned the entire kitchen. She is a little shiny star.
This entire incident was still slightly less embarrassing than my dealings with the gasman back when I was on O2 (see this entry for said escapade). I really must try not to destroy the house again for a while.
On a random note my hair, which had been rubbed away creating several large bald patches, is growing back curly. Very bizarre, not quite sure why as my hair is, well, very very straight. The bald bits are hidden but now it’s growing back the curls stick out like naughty petulant children waving out a window. Most displeasing. I do like the way every part of my body seems to act in a similar fashion to my whole entity...
30 days of me
5 years ago
I seem to have noticed the hair issue with some cancer patients. The hair grows back differently. Never heard of it in CF, though. Ahh, well. Another excuse for more pics? :)
Let's hear it for frizziness!!
Are you on the lovely pred? If so that does strange things to your hair eg curly when straight before, straight if curly before and even growing like weeds as my hairdresser kindly puts it. I'm a severe asthmatic on constant pred and my hairdresser can now tell me what my dose has been like in recent weeks. Scary stuff!
I am on pred yes but have been for the last 8 years or so so don't think it's that...very strange!
Hahahahahahahaha!!!!! That made me laugh. Don't suppose your hair is growing back anything other than blonde is it? ;o)
hehe - you were blonde before, but now you are going to be a frizzy blonde. That is a scary thought ;-)
After my bilateral lung transplant 5 years ago (I have CF, too), a switch from cyclosporin to tacrolimus made all of my long, straight, blonde hair fall out. When they switched me back to cyclosporin, it grew back even thicker than it had been (and I had ridiculously thick hair) and quite wavy--a shock for a former straight-haired blondie. I get more compliments on it now than I ever did. Probably because so many women long for thick, wavy blonde stuff :) Bring on the hair serum! It's probably not due to prednisone. The only effect of prednisone on hair that I'm aware of is that it can make hair brittle.
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