This Emily's sister Abby, just a quick update:
After running into a few difficulties, though nothing unheard of at this point, Em has been put back on the ventilator. She is still improving in many ways but today has made it clear the road to recovery will be very long and difficult .
Thank you for all your kind messages, I will update when there is more news but as it is very much a case of 'wait and see' right now so updates may be slow but we are still very hopeful and know Emily is getting the best possible care from Harefield's brilliant team.
Thanks again for all your love and support
Abby xxxx
30 days of me
5 years ago
Oh that's not such great news.
C'mon Em - the whole world's rooting for you.
Lots of love Ms Simba xxx
Just what I was going to say! We are all rooting for Emily and thinking of you all, love Diane T xx
Miss emily am really sorry to hear you are back on the ventilator, but this is just another hiccup along the way, which I'm sure you will deal with in the huge amount of spirit and pinkness that only you can achieve :p Sending lots of love and pink sparkly cuddles to you sweetie.
Abby thank you for the update, am sending so much love to all of you guys right now, you are all doing an amazing job just being with Em which I know is, as always giving her so much strength!
Thanks so much for updating us Abby,
I'm so sorry to hear that Em has been put back on the vent but i'm praying so hard for her and you guys right now I know that she will be off it again in no time and be ordering sweetie bobbles!!
You take care and get some rest and remember my love and prayers are with you all right now.
Lots of love
Charlie and Abigail
Abby thanx soo much for the update-much appreciated.Im sure its a difficuilt time for you all such rollercoaster but just to let you know we are all sending positive vibes and thinking of yourselves too.Must be exhausting time for you too.
Our prayers and thoughts to you all Elaine Rach & family xxx
Thanks Abby!
Sorry to hear the news. I hope you haven't been doing too much chatting Emily! You look after yourself and take it easy, s l o w l y !
Take your time hun, you'll get there and we are all keeping everything crossed for you.
lots of love and gentle hugsxxx
Thank you for updating us all Abby. We're all behind you Em, theres no rush. All of our thoughts and positive pink wishes are with you, Adam and all the wonderful Thackray family.
lots of love,
I'm sorry to hear this news.
I really hope things will get better again very soon.
Go Em! You can do this girl, i know you can!
Thinking of you all
love, Marjolein
Oh Emily! Lets hope that after a little 'rest' back on the ventilator you can carry on with your recovery again! Sending positive vibes and all my love xxx
Sending all the pink vibes possible to you Em..
It s aset back but nothing you cant over come...
Txt dont go without hicupps this is all that this is...
Stay Strong...
xx Sandy xx
Thanks Abby for letting us know, as you said its not unheard of at this stage, sometimes things just take a bit longer. Sending all of you our love and as everyone else has said, wer'e rooting for you Em.
Sue & family xxx
I'm thinking of you all so much Abby. This last week has been such a rollercoaster for you all. I'm willing Emily to get stronger and get off the ventilator again soon. I should imagine that her body feels like it has been hit by a 50-tonne truck bless her.
Sending loads of love to you all
Emma xxxxxxxx
We all know what a difficult time this is for Emily and her family, but these updates are gratefully appreciated as we are all keen to be kept informed on how she is doing. We know it won't be a quick process of healing and that won't suit Miss Em, but it will all be worth it - worth waiting for - so keep on getting better and better each day and we'll see you again in September - your Angel's are awaiting. Much love xx
I´m sorry to hear you are back on the vent again. But i know you can do it and will be off the vent soon too.
Thinking of you all. Hugs
/Marie, 22 w/cf from Sweden.
Thank you for the update Abby. It's not so great to hear that Em is back on the ventilator, but at least it gives her whole body a chance to rest for a little while and prepare her for the recovery. Sending you all lots of love and hugs! :)
Love Kat xxx
Thank you for the update Abby.
I'm sure our beautiful Miss Emily just needs a bit more of a rest so she can gather her energy for all of the chatting she'll be doing in the coming days, weeks, months and years!
We all know you can do it Em, we all love you!
Love as always to the family!
jayjay xxx
Em, you can do this.. you know you can, we know you can.. you just have to make friends with the new twin air bags, talk to them kindly and not in the strict way you used to boss around their predecessors :o)
Thinking of you sweetheart, sending you lots and lots and lots of love and huge quantities of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~strength vibes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, and praying for you all (Emily, A, her family and friends)
All our love, Clare & family xxxx
Oh no :0( not such great news...we're all thinking of you and your family and friends...sending you much strength, love and all things pink and sparkley of course! Lots of Love Carolyn (James' Mummy) xxxx
Well, this is upsetting news, but as I've learned from my friend Kina, life is day by day. Some days good others not so much, but one day leads into the next, which starts with a full load of potential. Each moment is important. This moment is for resting and relaxing and letting the meds and doctors do their thing for you, Emily.
Emma, I hope all is going alright for you with your issues.
Thinking about you both.
Cory nocf/tx, AIM friend of Kina, and follower of others
We are thinking of and praying for you all and hope that this is just a hiccup. You can do it Em. Slowly and steady is the best way. Hope there is better news tomorrow.
Loads of love Sarah, William and all the family xxx
The plastic family are stil checking in daily -sendinglove. The cosmic airways are truely getting gridlocked with incoming messages hovering above Harefield!
Hope you can feel them.
Gill Rosie and Flick
thanks so much for the update abby, it means a lot to know of developments, whatever they may be - especially at a time when you've got so much going on!
am thinking of you lots and lots em, i know you have so much strength in you, and there are so many people with you every step of the way. going back on the ventilator will obviously help you lots right now, so this makes it a good thing in a way.
it will be a long road, but i have every faith in you, and am still keeping all fingers and toes crossed, in the hope that, even if it doesn't actually help, the mental image will cause some smiles!
lots of love and hugs (and a few random sparkles thrown in for good measure!) rachel xxxx
I'll go one further and cross my eyelashes for you!
Aww hunny. Not good to hear you're back on the ventilator, but we're hoping and praying so hard that your new lungs just need a bit more help for now, and that they'll soon come through for you.
Huge pink sparkly gentle hugs.
Becky, Seren & Dylan xxxxxxxxxxxx
Dear Abby,
thanks for the update. You must all be emotionally and physically exhausted at this stage from all the worry. Emily will be fine, there are bound to be little problems after such a massive operation. She (and all of you) will continue to be in all our thoughts and prayers and I feel in my bones that she will be out there enjoying the Spring when it arrives; right now she needs lots and lots of rest to build herself up again.
Don't worry, all will be well.
as always,
PS: am keeping a candle burning for Emily, Emma, Jacqueline and all those of you going through health problems (great believer in candles, there's something so spiritual about them!). The candle is also for all Emily's family and for Adam that they may find the strength to keep on hanging in there supporting Emily.
Hugs to all
Sending our love as always. Praying for Emily to jump this hurdle.
The Pearsons
Thanks for keeping us updated Abby.
I am so upset to read that Em is back on the ventilator, but I realise its still early days in Em's recovery and these ups and downs are part of the process.
Em is a fighter and if anyone can turn things around, she can. My thoughts and prayers remain with her at this time, and also with all the family.
Love as always
Jac xxx
Hi Emily,
Just another quick post on your own blog to let you know I have said a pink sparkly prayer for you and you family and also said a big thank you a lit a candle for your donor family.
Hope to see you back in full chit chat mode soon.
Debbie aka Dubeerie
I just want to let you all know that you are constantly in my thoughts, and i hope that the current problems pass quickly and are soon a distant memory for Emily.
Katie x
keep on fighting em! let those new lungs rest for a teensy bit longer and then you can get back on track! your in my thoughts and prayers!
dreary xx
Thank you Abby for keeping everyone updated, it must be a very difficult time for you and your family and it is really appreciated that you have taken the time to post an update. The whole family are in my thoughts, I can't begin to imagine how you all feel at such an emotional time.
I'm sorry to hear that the news is not so good today, but, with 2 steps forward and one step back, you will get there in the end Emily, it just might take a bit longer than you had hoped. Maybe those new lungs are aware of your future plans and are getting a rest while they can! You will get there in the end I'm sure.
Much love being sent from us. Susie (used to be cupcake on cf forum) and my 2 girls xxxx
Sorry to hear your back on the ventilator! Hope they get you off it again soon though! :)
Greg xx
Thinking of you and still remembering you in my prayers every night .Hope your breathing by yourself soon again ,everyone is fighting in your corner can do this Emily ,keep up the fight!!!! love Anne x
I'm so sorry to hear Em is back on the ventilator.Sending all my love and prayers.We're all right behind you Em,if anyone can get through this,then it's you.
Nicola x.
omg im so sorry to hear that im thinkin of her all the time she has atclhy inspired me and my cf. hope she gets beta soon i have been an still will be all weekend an hopin 4 the best
vicki h xx-xx-xx
I hope things improve again soon for Emily. I had my transplant 22 months ago, and was in and out of ITU like a yoyo, but made it in the end.
Emily is tough, she'll pull through. It's such a difficult operation to come through, especially as she had been so ill for so long.
Thinking of all of you.
Just a quick blog before the weekend…….last Thursday evening, when it seemed likely that the transport would not be going ahead after all, I prayed really really hard; not for it to go ahead but for the wonderful donor’s family to take the decision which was right both for them and for Emily. The fact that the transplant did take place convinces me that it was meant to be and, following this logic, if it is meant to be it must necessarily be a success. So I at least feel sure that Emily is going to make a quick and complete recovery from this present little setback and that her new lungs will soon understand they must bend to her will for perfect health and adapt without fuss to their new home. So go for it girl…… are over the worst hurdle and life is out there just waiting for you to live it. We are all rootin' for you day in day out.
love Janet
Emily is doing it her way!!!
She just needs a little more rest on the ventilator gaining her strength.
Love to her & all her family,
Keep srong
Karen Colin & Family. XX
Much love to Emily and all her loved ones...
I suspect that after a few hours of blissful ignorance, it gradually dawned on Emily's new lungs just how much work they were going to have to do in the future in order to keep up with Emily's chattiness and energy levels. You can hardly blame them for having a little panic!
I have everything crossed that they'll gradually get used to the idea and prove themselves up to the task.
All our love from the Frizzy household. Xx
tough stuff to hear today.
With all our love from all of us in Oldham and many positive vibes to Emily, her family, friends and all caring for her
love sal, bob, katie and tom
Hello to all Emily's family and was nice to meet you all when I was at Harefield last Monday. I am also following updates and wish Em a speedy recovery from being in ITU. I am at Harefield again Monday 15th Jan. Thinking of you all. Justine xx - please feel free to contact me anytime.
I am a friend of Marjolein, just want to say we are sending all the good thoughts your way!
(sorry for my english)
You'll make it through em, we know you will. I saw a little robin in the garden the day after your transplant for the first time in months. Reminded me of what we'd chatted about before - someone's routing for you up there honey.
(Gary Torrance's gf)
We are thinking of you all with 80 fingers and toes crossed!
Love Alastair, Sophie, Francesca and Izi Ames xx
You'll get there in the end, we know you will. Sending you tons of best wishes.
C'mon them pink and sparkly lungs!
Lots of love
Jax & Bill H
Emily I know that you can do this you are the strongest girl in the whole world and i am more proud of you every day, keep up the good work!
All my love with jelly tots to you and your amazing family.
Emma H
come on e3mily..we're rooting for you here and waiting to hear you are improving
much love
sal and the Oldham team
keep going ems, but take it nice and slow, dont rush things.
We are thinking of you all so much and hope that you are on the way up again.
Pippa and Bill, Ashtead
Come on Emily, I hope this is just a little hic-up and you will be off the Vent soon, fingers crossed for you honey,,
Debbie, Bev and Lucys friend
Thanks for the update Abby. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Emily, keep working it! You're a strong one and therefore i expect to see you kicking that ventilator away at somepoint in the not to distant future.
Take care Miss T,
Anders xx
While is it inevitably disappointing to here that Emily isn't miraculously already up on her feet and training for a marathon we have to remember that she has just had massive surgery and even someone who was mega fit beforehand would take time to recover fully from that. I'm sure Emily was just showing off before and going for it when in fact a bit more of a gentle approach was required.
Either that, or her new lungs have spotted how foul the weather is outside and have decided to make sure Em is all tucked up in a warm bed until proper spring starts to arrive.
This stage isn't supposed to be easy. None of cf is and I think we've just got used to emily being so incredibly positive and upbeat and capable when it comes to other trials that we assume this will be the same.
Sending pink healing thoughts to emily, and hope and strength and support to her most loving family. Good luck for week two of new lungs.
Dear Emily
Hope the weekend has brought some rest for you and all the family and a step towards recovery for you.
Fingers and toes crossed for you all.
Lots of love
Hey Miss Emy!
You keep fighting on my lovely! I know you can do it! All my family send their love to you and I'm giving you a really big hug right now! You are so amazing sweetie and I am so proud of you. I can't wait to see you and obviously present you with a few boxes of party rings and jaffa cakes! All my love and hugs are with you and all of your amazing family. Lots of love and cuddles, Lizzy B xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
She will be off that vent. She is just taking a little break form all the excitment. As Simba said. The whole world is rooting for you Em! Always thinking of you!
hi emily and family
you are all still in our thoughts,
sending loads of love and support
karen, colin and family. x
Stupid blog page won't let me post this properly, so it'll have to be in comment form :
Myself and the family apologise for the gap in updates, but I'm sure you'll appreciate that our number one concern right now is getting Em better, and being with her as much as possible is part of that. Thank you so much for all the kind messages. It's such a long and complex recovery process that updates can be somewhat fruitless anyway, as things can change between the space of a day!
As we posted last week I believe, the quintessential drama queen was never going to have a simple, mundane recovery, and instead has insisted on making her time in the ITU very interesting for the doctors. She has had a few obstacles so far, but the Harefield team are very confident about getting Em back on track and on to the ward. She has remained on ventilation, but this is now in the form of a tracheostomy (forgive my ignorance of medical spelling) which is not only more comfortable for Em but allows more freedom, and crucially, full consciousness!
She has been waking up very sweetly over the last two days, with lots of smiles and hand-squeezes along the way. Needless we are a very happy cheering squad tonight. Today she was much more awake and naturally full of questions, but she was able to communicate with the doctors and is much more satisfied knowing everything that's been going on. We have been ploughing through the mountains of cards and reading her the lovely messages, and i'm sure she's so much better for knowing the amount of support she has behind her. After a tough couple of weeks, Emily is looking much more herself and although she might have a while to go in the ITU, the doctors are very happy with her stability right now and we will hopefully be updating you with some more solid and long term good news soon.
If you feel restless and want to support Em in a more active way, then please get out there and promote the wonderful concept of organ donation. Buy a T-Shirt from, tell a friend about signing up to the register, or simply disuss your wishes with your own family. If you've done all of the above, all that remains is to remember Emily's philosophy and go and do whatever makes you smile... life is for living.
This stupid page also managed to delete about 50 other comments that were up here... Argh technology not my strong point. Thanks again for all the wonderful messages.
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