Due to the star of this blog being currently indisposed care of Harefield.Newlungs.are.us.com, you will have to do with some thoughts from mummy !
Firstly I would like to echo dear Abbie's sentiments and thank you all for such lovely, caring messages and thoughts. We are periodically reading them out to Em alongside the many beautiful cards.
"We are not out of the woods yet"odly seems to be the most realistic Drs quote yet and deals with the hundreds of questions that we pose on a daily basis. Let us not forget that it is Emily we are talking about and with Emily nothing is ever straightforward.
I was reminded today of chapter 1 in the life of EJT, namely Tuesday 13th March 1984 when the midwife phoned Emily's Dad to say "Get here as soon as you can, the baby is on her way". With huge excitement and trepidation he drove to the hospital.In between contractions with huge excitement and trepidation I phoned my friends (sound like anyone familiar?). Did the father make it? Well, this is Emily we are talking about, who made a star appearance 5 days later. And then all those friends who had paced around and held their breath with us for 5 days had the news that visiting the small beautifyl baby girl was to be even further postponed by her getting an early lead in the 'I've had more operations than you league' and putting the NHS to the test in neonatal care.
I don't need to remind you that, after some very strenuous roller coaster months wondering just how a newborn baby copes with surgery, the tiny perfect fighter came through with the most amazing and wonderful spirit I had ever seen and she has gone on to grace our lives in the most incredible way.
I mention this because I hope that our rocky start to Chapter 2 will lead to the same result, an eriched life, albeit with highs and lows, but full of happiness and joy.
Will keep you posted!
30 days of me
5 years ago
Thanks so much for the post, Annie. As a mum to a pwcf I know what you mean about spirit. We send all our love and strongest thoughts to you all and look foreward to hearing that Emily's new lungs are starting to behave themselves.
much love
sal bob katie and tom in Oldham
Emily is a true fighter and she will pull through this early difficult stage with her usual style and grace - we all know she will. With much love to you Mrs Mummy - she get's her spirit from you - I've seen that personally in Hyde Park and I hope to meet you all again in September jogging round to keep up with Emily. xx
We so agree!!! Our thoughts and love to you all.Emily is such a strong young lady and we look forward to hearing she is taking it easy, and slowly but surely getting stronger every day! She has a wonderful mum in you Anne! What a lucky girl!! Take care and love to you all, Diane T x
Dear all and especially Emily,
I have been thinking of you all heaps over the last ten days or so, and have every part of me crossed that things are heading in the right direction. I know how strong Emily is and that she is surrounded with love and strength from all her family and friends. I hope that things are settling from the medical viewpoint and that the nurses are giving Em a bit of the cheek that I used too.......
Much love, and pink wishes,
Jacqui Cowlard xxx
Thank you for taking the time to post when you have so much to contend with. I have clicked on Emily's blog at least 20 times today! The whole of Epsom seems to be rooting for her x
HI There Emilys Mum, I dont know Emily personally but I have heard alot about her from friends, I am sure that Emily will prove you right and You will be writing Chapter 2 soon, she is a fighter like my friend Lucy Pearson, sure they have been swapping notes.. I think at this moment in Time Emily just needs some her time and just relax and is taking her time, there is no need to Rush this recovery.. But as it has been mentioned to be about Lucy being on a long and windy road with bumps in places. Emilys road is just the same, Emily will get over these bumps in time..
Sending Love and Hugs to you all
Debbie (friend of Bev and Lucy)
Hi Emilys Mum. Thanks so much for the update. I have been constantly watching Ems blog for any update. I have everything crossed for Emily and know she is such a fighter and she will get through this. Much love to you all.
Lisa xxx
What a smashing mummy you are! Thinking of you all and willing Emily to make a full recovery. In her own time, of course!
Audrey xx
Thank you, Emily's mummy! To repeat what everyone has just said, Em is one tough cookie and I can't imagine her letting something as tiny as a transplant (!) stop her talking, smiling and capaigning for too much longer! :) Much love to you, Em, and all the family :) xxx
it's true, this wouldn't be emily without a few drama-filled episodes - in fact it'd be cause for wondering whether in fact something else had been transplanted rather than lungs! but in true em style, there's drama and then there's also an incredible spirit, and that's going to have it's own time to shine too...stronger than ever (which is saying rather a lot!!)
thank you muchly for the update mummy T! lots of love to all of you, as well as to em too of course
rachel xxxx
Hi Anne,
Thanks for letting us know how things are going, as others have said its obvious where Em gets her strong character and muchly positive attitude from. 'Not out of the woods yet' was something I heard quite often when Chris had his transplant, but he did things in his own time as Emily no doubt is doing.
Sending loads of love and many more positive vibes Em's way and thinking about you all.
Sue x
P.S. Sorry posted before I'd finished the message, in case you're wondering who deleted a post.
Thanks for posting Anne! Like everyone else, I am thinking of you all the time and checking here almost hourly to see if there is any news! Emily sure gets her spirits from you. I'm sure there is enough fight in your family to see you all through this. You are all fantastic role models for us other Mums who have have children in similar positions and, as I have said before, if William grows up with half the spirit Emily has I know I'll have done OK by him too!
Your description of Chapter 1 is so familiar to me. The patience it takes to get through it all without climbing the walls and the constant one step forwards two steps back... but our children, who seem so fragile one minute, come back stronger then ever the next and my constant hope and prayer right now is that Em will do just that!
Keep up the fight Em but slowly and surely. You've your whole life ahead of you so no need to rush now
loads of love to you all, as always, from Sarah. William is in mega cuddly mode at the moment and sends a special one to you all xxx
Hi mum!!!! *hugs* Beautiful post!
Keeping everything crossed for Emily, my little boy (another Adam), asks how she is every day. He saw her appearance on Watchdog last Thursday with the words "oooh, look Mum, Emily is on TV after her operation already, she must have super powers or something."
I hope her 'superpowers' get her well enough to be back on track soon though.
Take care
Jayne xx
You are the most wonderful Mum Annie, I've seen that first hand. If anyone can help Emily through this then it is you, her amazing family and the wonderful A. She may be having a tough time right now but she is very lucky in other ways because she has been blessed with a truly amazing set of loved ones.
You are right...Emily never likes to do things in plain and boring way if a little drama and divaesque behaviour can be attached hehe.
I am thinking of you all constantly and taking confidence from Emily's incredible determination and fighting spirit. please send her all my love, she is one in a million to me, Brad and Daisy xxxxxx
very impressed with your blogging skills, Anne...! and so very pleased to see a cautiously optimistic update! please send my love to Emily - my thoughts really are with her, and you all, pretty much all of the time at the moment..
lots and lots of love, Pip XXXX
ps... remember Mark Rylance when you need a smile!! x
Dearest Mummy Anne, Thanks for the update. We have been thinking of you all constantly. Here's to Emily's wonderful, amazing spirit, which is an inspiration to us all. We look forward to chapter 2. With love to you all, Celia, Ian, Alice and Kate xxxx
Thank you SO much for the update Em's mum.. we've been wearing out the refresh button here which is no joke as we are on Jordan's (14 yr old son wcf)laptop which hasn't yet recovered from recent abuse involving Alex.. (6 year old son not wcf but with a plethora of other medical problems (which he cares not about!)..nd a far too large a dollop of devilry!).. removing most of the keys and chewing on them!!! (He is a little like the young chap in your class who eats everything regardless of whether it's food or not!!! Alex's speciality however is Pritt Sticks.,, bleeeurrggghhhh!!!:o)
Anyway..I digress.. we are sending evermore ~~~~~good vibes~~~~~ in the direction of your lovely 22 year old "baby girl" and WILLING her with all our strength to keep fighting and winning!
With all and love and a great many virtual (((hugs)) to all of you a lot of pink magic healing sparkle to dust to Emily (of the type you CAN'T get in Claire's Accessories! :o)
ClareT, all her family and a fair few of her friends xxxxx
Thankyou soo much (Emilys mum) for the words of wisdom and update about Emily. So glad that you ahve all found some comfort in the support in letters messages cards from soo many people who are really sending positive vibes to you all and hoping that Emilys progress will move forward 'when shes ready'!I too have a daughter who the Drs always use to say 'never does anything expected by the medical text books maybe why our daughters seem soo unique.
Such an amazing young lady Emily is and an inspiration to us all with her pink sparkley bubbliness and warm hearted attitude.Im sure you are all soo very proud of Emily and shower her with love and affection 'just knowing you are all there must be such a comfort to her'.
best wishes to you all and thankyou once again Elaine Rach & family xxxxxx
Thank you so much Emily's mum. As a mother with a lpwcf I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through...but thank you for keeping us all updated at such a difficult time in your journey. I pray constantly for Emily's recovery. I only have met her once in person, but that day will stay with me forever...I pray that we will get the chance to meet again so that I may thank her personally for the support she has given our family. I pray too that this is the very start of your Chapter 2 and for Emily's recovery. Her spirit and fight will get her through, I'm sure. Our thoughts, hopes and prayers are with each and every one of you. Sending much strength and all thinks pink and sparkly to you Emily...Much love, Carolyn, James and the rest of the family x
What a wonderful post... Thanks so much for taking the time to post, Enilys mum... I can only imagine what you are going through at the moment, but from reading emilys [posts and seeing what she is like I know with her will and determination she will be enjoying those lungs soon.. but resting I hope to...
I have even my mates asjking how she is doing as I have spoken about what an inspiration she has been.. Im hoping I can be as strong as her when Im back on the list....
Sending all the pinky sparkly thoughts her way....
XX Sandy xx
Emily has proved time and time again just how strong she is and how much will she has, she has proved to everyone that no matter what she will make sure through sheer determanation that things will turn out positive, she is a real winner and no matter what problems or set backs come up she will fight amd win. Emily you have touched the hearts of everyone you have had contact with and everyone is routing for you. And by the way i expect to see you running marathons within a few years. Kepp fighting and get well soon.
Bigkite xxx
Thank you so much, Anne, for letting us know how things are going. Thinking of you and your gorgeous girl constantly. With love and a HUGE hug!
Sue Goldman and family
Thank you Anne and family for taking the time to keep us all up to date, I am amazed that you have, so kindly, thought of others at this time. we are thinking of you all but especially Em, sending all our love, prayers and all the luck in the world. Tell Em there'll be a "special" roast dinner waiting for her when she's back with us all!!!
The Hiders x x
Dear Anne,
I don't know you, Emily or any of your family and thankfully do not have a sick child going through the pain that Emily is going through. But I am a mother and know full well the agony it must be for you. Like all mums, I would far rather go through this sort of thing myself than have to sit by and watch my child suffer. So my thoughts are constantly with you too as well as with your beautiful child - as they are with your other gorgeous daughters, Emily's Dad, Adam, the rest of your family and all the support group. We all know that Emily WILL pull through but it was a big operation so patience is required for the body to adjust. My thoughts and prayers are with you constantly - we are so many fighting the fight with Emily there is not the smallest chance that she won't get better. So hang in there just a big longer...the worst is definitely over.
And once again, a huge thank you to the medical team and to the wonderful donor family.
best wishes, Janet
Emily is a true fighter and we know if anyone can do this its her, with much love and hugs to you mummy and the rest of the family. Lets hope its all onwards and upwards from here. You can do it in true pink style, we all love you emily. Love and hugs always Wee Tashax.xx
Thank you so much for keeping the world out there updated. 'Angel' was my son's cyber friend and I learnt so much about her spirit and unique style from Jonathan. They went on the list within weeks of one another, but Jonathan's body gave out before a transplant was available. Emily has sent so much frienship, comfort and laughter amidst tears to us, for Jonathan insists on joy in his memory. We, like so many others, are holding her gently and constantly in our thoughts and sending healing vibes from a stormy Scotland. Wishing Emily, all her family, A, and friends love, strength and hope. Linda, Neil and Ingrid.
My first visit to this site and I'll certainly revisit to see what progress Emily is making. Come on Emily.....there's loads of us out here you don't even know willing you to get better. Thinking of you all.
Love from Claire - mother of a pwcf.
You know, I've wondered for a long time where Emily gets her wonderful, positive, chirpy outlook on life and battling spirit from, but in the space of a few hundred words, I've had all my questions answered.
You're quite clearly an amazing mother, a remarkable woman who's raised a remarkable woman.
All my thoughts and prayers are with both of you, and the rest of the family. I've not doubt that Em is going to power through this - apart from anything else, she's going to love thumbing her nose at me that she got there first!
Take care of yourselves. x
Thank you so much for updating us all, I know that with so many people checking in regularly that we all appreciate the time you have taken to write.
My thoughts remain with the whole family and A, i hope that Emily's Chapter 2 gets well under way soon,
Thanks so much Emily's mom, for your post. I'm thinking of you, Emily, and all the family. Sending positive thoughts her way! Emily has prooved to be a fighter and she just has to pull through. So she can experience living life with lots of air :-) Because of this great gift of life.
Thanks for the update Emily's mum! I too have been in 'n' out of here to check on Em's progress.
As ever sending loadsa pink positive healing cyber huggles that Emily has a speedy recovery,look forward to meeting her in person someday soon...
Cat x
Thanks for the update .I check my computer everyday to find out how Emily is getting on .I have cf myself and my daughter was born a few days after Emily ,thankfully she does not have cf and for that I thank god but it makes me more aware of how you as her mum must be feeling and if wishes and prayers come true your Emily will recover to have a brillant life .And Emily if your mum is reading this to you I am still praying for you everynight and as I said once before that after your transplant you should get this blog published as you're a wonderful writer who has everyone laughing and crying at the same time and reading it would bring hope to a lot of people .Keep getting strong Emily hope your up on your feet soon giving those new lungs a good try out .love Anne x
such mixed emotions when reading these blogs; sadness for Linda and her family, happiness at such wonderful solidarity and hope for Emily's speedy recover. Mum, during the difficult days and nights as well as during the better ones, just keep repeating calmly and regularly "thank God for Emily's perfect health". It sounds ridiculously simple but it works a treat. Get everyone to join it. It's really very effective.
I wish Emily and all her family and friends a peaceful night.
Thank you so much for the update Em's mum -it is appreciated that you can find the time and energy to keep us all posted.
I am encouraged to read that Em is still fighting hard, and it's no surprise that she is doing so in her own style.
A saying my mum often uses is "Where there is life, there is hope". Emily, you have so much life in you, and so much living still to do, that hope is in abundance. Grab hold of it, and hold on tight. The road ahead may be daunting but I know at the end, this journey will have been more than worthwhile.
With love and healing higs
Jac xxx
Thanks for the post, I too have not been able to stop thinking of Emily, wishing her well, I hope she gets over this small blip and takes things easy. I'm sure it wont be long before she's chattering away
Dawny xxx
Lovely post.
All love. xx
dear Annie
From science to ICT !!! We are thinking of you all and trying to guess who might post the next update.We don't need to say how much we are wishing for the woods to be cleared. Never had much time for Red Riding hood anyway.....keep going
Much love Gilly , Flick and Ro xxx
We can certainly tell where Emily gets her fighting spirit from, what a lovely write up you have done. Such a special mum, well special family.
Emily is in our thoughts & prayers every day, she is such an inspiration.
Loads & loads of love & support to the whole family
Karen & Colin Prior & Family. XX
Thanks for the update mummy Angel, I liked it a lot. :)
I've been suffering a bit with my man cf - hope this brings a smile to the Smiley One. xx
Oh Lordie,
It's all been said. Yet I can't bare the thought of our relentless spirited shouts of "Come on Em, You can do it!" hitting our four walls yet again,when they should be wrapped in a hug and delivered in person. This is the only route available right now so I hope you can feel it. There is one for each and every one of you!!! XXXXXX
The Pollards
Anne, We've been remembering those days in March 1984 too and Emily was such a lovely baby! Like then, you've all been in our thoughts and prayers and we're willing Emily to get out of the woods and into the sunshine.
All our love and big cuddles to Emily and the whole family.
Pat and Helen xxx
Thanks so much for all the updates, am impressed with your computing skills, Anne!
Still thinking of you constantly and wondering how you are all coping, you must be exhausted with the emotional rollercoaster you are on. Wishing for continued, sustained progress from superstar, Em in the very near future so you can all relax and recover just a little.
Much love to you all.
Ju and family
mummy anne! remember who Em got her fighting spirit from :) love and miss you thackrays. the most beautiful family unit i know. my love to you all.xxx
Thanks Anne so much for the message and the update on our Head Angel. Hugely impressed by your IT skills, do you have a song to go with it too?!
Thinking of you all so much and sending you masses of love, Nicky xx
Hello Emilys mum, you are all in our thoughts at this difficult time and i thought i would send you all a message of support as i have been watching for updates on Emilys progress since Livvy let me know that Emily had recieved a transplant. I had a small part in Emily and her Angels hydro walk last year (well we made the angel t-shirts!!!) but the best thing about doing this was chance to find out about Emily and her fantastic work for the CFC trust. Her determination, courage and spirit has truly made an impression on me and i just want to wish Emily and all those close to her all my best wishes.
Keep up the fight Emily!!!!
Hello Anne
I, too, am mommy to my very own pink princess named Emily, also with cf. So, I have been reading and re reading your Emily's blog with interest these past few weeks. I discovered your beautiful daughter in a post on cf.com. We are currently on our very first hospital stay (Em is 14 months old)due to a nasty case of c.diff. Like yours, my Emily does just everything with a bit of drama, a lot of charm and spunk. Reading your Emily's beautiful words along with the words of those who love her dearly has been a blessing to me. I find hope in all that your girl has accomplished and in the woman she has grown to be. I will continue to visit this site, and will keep Emily in my prayers.
Tami (mom to Emily, pwcf) USA
I'm a complete stranger, but met Emily at the 5k challenge in September and was utterly bowled over by her spirit.
I've been wondering how she is and upon googling Emily + sparkly + CF tonight I was overjoyed to hear she's got her new lungs.
All my love to Em, her partner and the family, I'm thinking of you on this, her perilous road to recovery. Thoughts and thanks as well to the donor family in giving such a gift to a very special lady who has touched so many people.
Someone please: make sure she doesn't talk too much for a while once they wake her up!!
Many, many hugs,
Noodles xxx
Please, please may we have another update? I check in several times a day to see if there is any news, and I'm beginning to worry. Emily, there are many of us out here whom you've never met who are hoping for the best news - that you are off the ventilator forever with a new pair of strong, functioning lungs. Take care, kiddo.
As always thinking of you all.
Take care best wishes Elaine Rach & family xxx
in our thoughts always.
much love
Emily, you are in my thoughts all day every day. I keep checking for an update and I am hoping all is well.
Sending you lots of positive vibes, you are a true inspiration to all of the CF population and you always manage to give me hope for my beautiful daughter Abigail. xxxxxxxxxx
I'm really hoping that no news is good news, as they say. Its now so easy to see where Emily gets her true fighting spirit and her insperation from. Thank you for taking the time to update us all Mrs T. I hope we get the news we are all waiting for really soon. You all remain in my thoughts. You are such wonderful people and I really hope things work out for you all. Susie xxxxx
dearest anne thanks 4 yr updates hope u r getting some respite as is said we all really appreciate the time u can 2 update us. em is an inspiration 2 us all. Didnt quite realise what a rollercoaster u wld all be on - we are with u in spirit and am sharing yr ups and downs but em is a trooper and she never lets us down. she just wants us to wait a bit longer cos she knows she has a lot of partying 2 do in the not too distant future and she'll be last on the dance floor. may as well get her rest now.
In our thoughts all the time.
much love to u all sheena and gang xxxxx
Dear Anne & Family
Our thoughts & prayers are constantly with you & Emily
Much Love Janet G.& Family
She is in our prayers and I being the mother of Kina (Nikki) that just has her double lung transplant know what you are going through right now . Good luck to you and your family and she is in my prayers for a nice recovery and better life ahead. Stay strong keep everyday as special as the last with your precious angel.
I don't "know" you, but i've been reading about you online, and your truely amazing fundraising achievmeents.
you really are an inspiration, and have certinally made me think a great deal about my life..and the need to do more for others and such like.
take care, and thinking of you.
Hi Emilys Mum,
Thanks for taking time to post to let us know how Emily is. Thank you for such a lovely post.
Thinking of you all during these early difficult stages.
Here's hoping no news is good news. Take care and stay strong. Lots of people are thinking of you all at this stressful time. x
What an uplifting blog this is. It puts the horrible nonsense being aired on Channel 4 into perspective. All the very best to you all
Dear Emily, family and A,
I will be thinking of you lots over the weekend and hoping that soon there will be some great news.
What a difficult time for all of you. Wish we could help in some way.....
much love
I am thinking of you all and sending lots of love
Becky xx
I came across Emily's log through another Dutch transplantee (Marjolijn) (I try to keep track of several transplantees through their logs, having had a lungtransplant myself in 1998). Wish her well, hope her recovery speeds up as times goes by.
message from the oldham team
We have all been keeping Emily and her family, A., friends and those looking after her close in our thoughts all week. We are hoping and waiting to hear that Emily is starting to pull round. Much love to you all
Sal, Bob, Katie and Tom ...not to mention our empathic dog, Suzi.
Just popped in AGAIN to see if there was any news...hoping as others that no news is good news...thinking of you...
Cat x
Still sending up those prayers for you Em, hope to hear some news soon. Keep fighting.
Love and hugs,
Becky, Seren & Dylan xxx
been checking every day, Emily you are in our thoughts all the time, YOU CAN DO THIS!!
lots of love to you and your family
Karen, Colin Prior & Family. XX
As many others have said we really hope that no news is good news and that Emily is progressing well allbeit slowly! Rest well,take each new hurdle slowly! Our thoughts and prayers are with you all, Love Diane T xxx
Still thinking of you Miss Emily, hope you liked the card, you 'tough cookie' :-p
Rachy xxx
cum on emi we know you can beat this. hope to see u on here soon hunni. take care. much love s xxxx
thinking of you lots and lots and lots em. hoping and wishing and fingers-crossing that your inner strength will shine through and get you through this hurdle.
loads of love, hugs and faerie wand waving,
rachel xxxx
I am praying everyday for you Poppit! You have hundreds of people praying from my side alone... I miss your little mesages on my journal. I know you are kicking butt and you will be back up and campaigning again. Who knows maybe I can start an American branch of Livelifethengivelife if you would let me. I will visit England one day to meet a lot of my friends over there, and I want to race you down a sidewalk or through people's back yards! You helped me pull through my tough times. I was lucky that I only had one lung collapse. How I wish I could just make time speed up for you. But I know this is your final hurdle to leap over, before you break that leash! You will be free in no time!! Love ya poppit!!
still thinking of you emily, and praying that no needs=good news.
Checking your blog has become part of my daily routine! It's the first thing I do each morning when I turn my computer on - don't think my boss would be too happy but who cares when the pink and sparkly one is involved! Wishing you, A and all the family the biggest hug in the world! Keep going Em you can do it!
All my love
anna b x x x x
Come on EM. I've never met you but am another RBH patient. You're an inspiration and a real testimony. I so want and indeed pray for the news you've got rid of a tube or two.
Any more news ayone of how things are going as a weeks passed since the last update of the blog. PLEASE someone even if its just the one liner of no change.
So many people are anxiously waiting for news of your progress!!! keep fighting!!!Anyone with any news PLEASE BLOG!!!
Emily lovely! You are an inspiration to me. And for Em's family, she has done so many wonderful things for alot of us that suffer with CF. She chatted with me on MSN when I was having a tough time dealing with things. She's a shining example of a wonderful spirit. I wish her and you all the best.
All my love Kitten 28 with cf
Em, we are all behind you and know that you can do it. The pink and sparkly one can do anything. We all love you. This must be the most popular blogsite on the net. It has become part of so many peoples daily life to check on here first thing in the morning. looking forward to standing round the piano and singing beauty and the beast again! so much love Em. And to A, and all the Thackrays. Thank you mummy anne for such a beautiful post. Sending great big bear hugs! love you,
Dear Emily and family,
we all know what a difficult time this is for you and the last thing you need to worry about is updating others on progress. You need to conserve all your energy right now for Emily . Just letting you know we are all here praying and hoping and not a second goes by that we are not thinking of all of you. So God bless.....
Hi Angel,
Hope you had a good weekend and are feeling better.
Sending you lots of pink fluffy love xxx
Thanks again to Emmie for keeping us updated on Emily! Sounds tough but we all know what spirit and strength she has!! Keep resting and recovering, our thoughts and prayers are with you! And wishing Emmie better too!(what a fantastic friend she has in you!!!) Love Diane T
Take it easy. Small steps...
Sending much love and higs your way. xxx
*hugs even!
sending love
Still thinking of you every day Emily.
Positive thoughts coming your way as ever!!! >>>~~~~~~~~~~***
jayjay xxxxxx
keep going em. because i need you to explain to emmie what an LVAD is and how it works ;)
*hugs and higs both*
Just wanted to say wer'e all thinking about Em and her family and friends and sending much love as always.
Sue xxx
-dumps truckloads of pink love on your blog-
P.S. Awaiting an update on our cf angel!
we need an update! even if its just a little one! i am sure i am not the only one checking the boards ever couple of hours, its been a while since the last update and i am sure emily is doing well but if anyone could just let us know! there are 1000's of people checking!!!! come on em hope you feel better soon, and we cant wait to read your version of events when your up and running again!
Sending hugs to all Em's family and close friends; this part must be torture for you all. Thinking of you all for lots of every day.. please tell Em we all love her and are sending her strength to help her get through this.. and more strength to all of you closest to her to help YOU through this
Clare T and family xxxx
(That should say "...for reasons best known to herself, bless her.. :o)
You are still in all our thoughts and prayers - Emily and family, and Adam. We're praying for super-human strength for you to pull through..
All the very best,
Katie (pwcf who's admired Emily from afar on the CF trust forum - We all admire Emily's wisdom, strength of character, good advice doshed out by the truckload to others amongst us, and sense of humour!)
Em will doing her damndest to come through this, and we all know that. All my wishes go to her and her family in hoping that things improve and she's back online with her wee friends :)
lots of love to you wee one
Hello to all Emily's family and A. I am still rooting for Emily and sure she will get off that ventilator soon. I am still at Harefield as an in patient, and thinking of you all and sending BIG HUGS AND LOVE. Take care. Justine Laymond.xxxx
a big thank you to Levahn for giving us the link; we can only imagine how difficult these last two weeks have been for Emily and her family. She was already very weak before the op and an experience like the one she has just gone through is not exactly a walk in the park! But Emily is super strongwilled and is pulling through, I think we all know that, so we will just hang on patiently and keep the prayers flowing.
all my best too to Emma, Justine, jacqueline and all other sufferers; may you all make a remarkable recovery.
love Janet
Sending you Emiy and your family positive thoughts and good wishes .I too like hundreds of wellwishers check this blogg a few times a day for news.Emily you give all us with cf hope and inspiration keep up the fight I'm sure your going to win this one ,can't wait to hear how you are .
love Anne x
Stupid blog page won't let me post this properly, so it'll have to be in comment form :
Myself and the family apologise for the gap in updates, but I'm sure you'll appreciate that our number one concern right now is getting Em better, and being with her as much as possible is part of that. Thank you so much for all the kind messages. It's such a long and complex recovery process that updates can be somewhat fruitless anyway, as things can change between the space of a day!
As we posted last week I believe, the quintessential drama queen was never going to have a simple, mundane recovery, and instead has insisted on making her time in the ITU very interesting for the doctors. She has had a few obstacles so far, but the Harefield team are very confident about getting Em back on track and on to the ward. She has remained on ventilation, but this is now in the form of a tracheostomy (forgive my ignorance of medical spelling) which is not only more comfortable for Em but allows more freedom, and crucially, full consciousness!
She has been waking up very sweetly over the last two days, with lots of smiles and hand-squeezes along the way. Needless we are a very happy cheering squad tonight. Today she was much more awake and naturally full of questions, but she was able to communicate with the doctors and is much more satisfied knowing everything that's been going on. We have been ploughing through the mountains of cards and reading her the lovely messages, and i'm sure she's so much better for knowing the amount of support she has behind her. After a tough couple of weeks, Emily is looking much more herself and although she might have a while to go in the ITU, the doctors are very happy with her stability right now and we will hopefully be updating you with some more solid and long term good news soon.
If you feel restless and want to support Em in a more active way, then please get out there and promote the wonderful concept of organ donation. Buy a T-Shirt from livelifethengivelife.co.uk, tell a friend about signing up to the register, or simply disuss your wishes with your own family. If you've done all of the above, all that remains is to remember Emily's philosophy and go and do whatever makes you smile... life is for living.
Great news Lucy! Thanks so much from everyone for taking the time to update us.As you can see there are many,many of us routing for Em and wishing her love and a continued recovery.She has such a great family behind her and we appreciate you need to spend lots of time with her and to be there for her..she is in good hands!!Lots of Love to you all, Diane T (and family)xxxxxx
lucy, thank you so much for this update - obviously your priorities right now lie with em, and I know having you all there will be helping her lots - taking time out from this is much appreciated!
so good to hear that emily is doing better, and being typically 'her' with all the questions and smiles!
thinking of you lots&lots em, and sending all my positive-vibes-fighting-spirit-ness your way!! can't wait to hear of you making more progress over the coming weeks,
loads of love and hugs,
rachel xxxx
Yey! Thank you for the news Lucy :) We all appreciate it, and it's so good to hear things are looking up! All those pink and sparkly thoughts that have been sent her way have obviously helped ;)
Loads of love to you all xxx
Big YAY for Emily!!!
Thanks for the update Lucy. I think my computer is fed up with my obssessive checking of this very pink and very smily blogspot 15 times a day. Maybe I'll give it a few hours rest now!!!!
Love as always to Emily and all the family.
Hey princess, so glad you have finally woken up!!! I can't believe that Blogger has blocked your account whilst investigating it for spamming and there by prevented Lucy's ability to put up this very positive and smiley news. I wonder if it's because so many people have been visiting the site that they think there must be something funny about it hehe! Instead it's just that you are the most famous little pink lady ever :o)
Love you lots sweetiepie
uySo very very glad that things more positive. If only thoughts could help the process, you would all have been swept along by the hundreds if not thousands silently willing a quick recovery, as obvious from the messages.
Lots of love
thanks so much for the update
Thank you Lucy so much, we all knew this day would come but are glad to receive an update. Hurray for those wonderful doctors and for the fighting spirit of Emily and her loved ones. Hang on in there Emily, life is just outside those hospital walls waiting to be lived to the full once you've taken the time to make a full recovery. It's chilly outside right now so you are better off being cocooned for the time being.
In our thoughts as always,
that is the most wonderful news. Thanks so much for posting it. I am looking foreward to sharing it with all the Oldham people on Tuersday night...we are doing a fundraiser and shall be asking people to become donors.
Much love and a slightly moist-eyed smile from
THANKS for some news,like everyone else I've been popping in here everyday(sometimes a few times each day) in the hope of some news...GREAT to here Emily's outta ITU & onto the ward...
Cat x
Hurray great news! I too was on a trachae - but prior to getting my transplant - for many many weeks. I was also unable to communicate and slowly I was able to do so by writing. After a while I was given a small machine -like a computer keyboard that allowed me to type and communicate - I found this very useful..also with a button that sounded like a doorbell -to get some one's attention - when I needed too!
Please send all my love and hugs - and I'm over the moon for all of you!! Lots of love,
Justine laymond xx
Thank you Lucy xx
Lots of love, Em xxxx
Wonderful news.
Enough of the drama now!
Love and the very best of wishes to you all.
Sue G.
So glad to hear you are awake and able to ask questions for yourself now Em!!! I really hope all goes onwards and upwards from now on, even if this means slowly but surely!!! Looking forward to more good news.
Lots of love as always from Sarah and the family and a big hug from Wills xxx
Fantastic news, thank you Lucy!
Lots of hugs to the pink one.
Nik xx
hey em,so pleased to hear your on the mend hun..keep fighting you can do it girl! i've been very worried about you..but glad to hear things are moving in the right direction..
your in the right place harefield are great!
keep smiling
hope to see you one day now uve had your transplant :)
Laura Daniels x
thanks for the update, thats absolutely fantastic news, i must admit i had emailed emma as i was being asked and did not have any news. i will now pass on the brilliant news to all those that have been asking me.
love to you all,
karen & Famly. X
Hey gorgeous chick!!! I've been waiting for you to wake up...and I'm not far from you..as I am too in Harefield in ward F-East for the last 2 weeks so far. I hear all messages are now being read to you..SO KEEP SMILING CHICK...U WILL GO UPWARDS NOW!! And remember the whisper we had when you came to see me last year - when I had my trachae...well, I look forward to hearing your whisper...he he.
You are a fantastic girl....delighted about your news!! Lots of love and pink, sparkly,squidgy hugs to you. Justine Laymond xxxxx
Em, I am so happy to read that things are moving in the right direction. I cannot imagine the frustration of having the trachae in and not being able to chatter away, but it seems like a step onwards and upwards, so I can't argue with that!
You are obviously working hard, and everyone is right behind you, cheering you on. I am doing that strange Funk dance, alternating with the Hammie dance, whilst waving pom poms. If that doesn't spur you on, then I don't know what will ;-)
Can't wait to chat again,
Much love and higs
Jac xxx
Sending lots of positive vibes & yayful love & hugs from Putney to you, A & your family Em! I'm so pleased to hear things are moving in the right direction.
Plans are already afoot for me to do an encore at Hyde Park in September... we will need to coordinate outfits hee hee! ;-):D
Andy xxxxxxxxx
Dear Emily,
It is so good to finally hear some positive progress is being made. I'm sure you are getting fed up with lying around so once you feel up to it some moving and breathing will make a great change. Take it slowly.
Do you think the trachae is just to give the doctors some peace and quiet as someone has told them you are a bit of a chatterbox? or have they guessed you take after your mum and one at a time is enough!!!
Thinking of you learning to breath deeply and hope you can soon relax and enjoy the gift of life you have been given.
Much love to you and all the family
Julia, family and everyone at 'the little group'
Great news Missy Angel Flower! :) :)
Looking forward to seeing pics of you all smiley and happy and getting even better soon. Loads of love Ms Simba xx
Like everyone, I'm so glad that that everything is looking up for you. I must have checked this blogg a thousand times since your TX.
We are all rooting for you here, take care
Jayne xxx
Truely wonderful news. Em, just remember to keep resting and let your Ma do all the talking for a while, you know she's fully capable of it!
love to you all and sending you HUGE mountains of positive vibes
Masses of love from the Hardwick clan, Nickyxx
Thanks for the update Lucy. So pleased that Emily is making progress. Please give her lots of love from Hilary and Steve.xxx
Keep up the good work Emily - easy does it!! Thinking of you constantly.lots of love, Janet
thinking of you x
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