This weekend was unbelivably hectic but incredibly inspiring. On Saturday afternoon, I travelled up to Liverpool (worst journey in the whole world - Virgin didn't give me my ticket, said they would, then proceeded to try and make me buy a new one at every. single. change.) to stay with my old flatmate (she's not old, we were flatmates at uni. You know what I mean.) in preparation for a pretty big day on the Sunday.
The reason for this escapade was to support the Tighe family in their annual Ste Tighe tournament, in memory of their son who was killed in 2006, and who saved the lives of 5 people through the gift of life. The family are incredible, you can see their ITV interview here
The day was fantastic - dozens of 5-aside teams from all over Liverpool joined together in a huge tournament, to raise money for LLTGL. It was fantastically organised and I just can't get over how amazing the Tighe family is. They lost there son only 2 years ago, but they were genuinely touched that we had made the effort to come all the way up...I felt it was the least we could do.
Talking to donor families helps me better understand that little bit more about what goes on on the other side of it all. It's very hard to imagine unless you are in that position, but the more I learn, the more convinced I am that spreading the word and getting people to think about the option of organ donation helps everyone; just seeing the comfort the Tighes now get knowing people are walking around today because of their son reminds me that even that small bit of comfort the gift of life can bring to a donor family is extremely valuable.
I felt very humbled by everything I saw on Sunday. Sometimes tragedy brings out the best in people, and watching scores of people cheering Paula as she stood up to take the mic and thank everyone for their support brought a swell of happiness about human nature and just now great everyone can be. I also got to meet Holly, our rather lovely Advocate who is generally being a little shiny star in amongst hours and hours and hours of dialysis. I will put some piccies up when I get a chance.
This post is sounding rather hippy and hug-a-tree but nevermind. I am happy, inspired and motivated. Off for bloods later this morning, won't get the results for a while I shouldn't think but I shall keep everyone posted.
30 days of me
5 years ago
Emily, keep up the great work.
Thank You,
Love, Randall
Was fab to meet you, you were as bouncy as I thought you were going to be (and then some)! haha!
Truly an inspirational day and what an inspirational family the Tighes are!
Hope to see you again soon! Hope the bloods go well x
It was indeed an awesome day! You should put up one of the piccies of you, me and Holly together - Charlie's Angels eat your heart out ;o) xxxx
how do you do it? Forever on the go - I would have more than a paralysed diaphram if I were to run for a train! Take it easy girl and fingers crossed for the blood results, no doubt all's well and just a precautionary check.
Grateful for sharing this post.
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