Not sure how to start this entry, I tried several beginnings but even YAY doesn’t seem to suffice. In case it’s not obvious it’s me writing my first entry in a brand new chapter in my life. I wrote the following about a week ago:
So it’s happened. I have, as my dad says, gone through the looking glass and am now in a strange new world. to be honest its all still a total daze and the reality hasn’t sunk in yet; I have had my transplant, I am alive….and I can breathe. Of course its still very early days yet but I can breathe. A friend came to visit today and said how different I sound, no heavy breathing or pausing for breath in the middle of sentences. It hasn’t been smooth, the opposite in fact and I am still very weak from the op not to mention the huge infection I managed to aquire just after (never been one to do things in a straightforward well behaved manner). Sadly I am possibly the most impatient person in the history of mankind so not being a spectacular patient, but someone gave me the gift of life and I am determined to get strong and make the most of it.
I am keeping this entry short as my fingers are still all rubbery and lame from being sedated for so long so typing is taking me a while (not to mention a big day today as some of you already mentioned, a birthday I wasn't sure I would see).
Lastly thank you all so much for your wishes and thoughts, thanks doesn’t do justice to my gratitude but rest assured when it gets really tough it’s people that keep me going. Love and sparkles to all.
30 days of me
5 years ago
Welcome back Emily! Lovely to hear your written voice ( if such a thing's possible! ) Enjoy your birthday celebrations and ease yourself gently into this next chapter. All our love. Xx P.S. Jake says 'hurrah for Emily!'
Lovely to hear from you and a very big Happy Birthday!
Now go to bed and get some rest!
Love and hugs
Claire x
YAY! Great to read post from you!! Have a fablous birthday missy. And YAY to your new chapter of your life! Sending muchly love and cuddles to you.
Yay great to hear from you Em! Have a lovely birthday, I'm sure it'll be the best ever! :o)
Now be guided by an oldie (& not in just the transplant recovery process hehe), keep your impatient self in check & continue taking those little steps towards maximum yayness, heehee! ;-)
Love & hugs
Andy xxx
Hello Emily and welcome back!
It so good to see a post, post from you.
Saskia's gang
Good to see you back. Things will change. You'll have many, many ups, and certainly the occasional down. But you wanted it and here it is. I hope the struggles and wait prove to be worth it. Hope you and Emma can meet again soon if that hasn't already happened.
Hi emily, Delighted you got home for your birthday, been reading your blog and checkin the forum everyday, so happy for you!! xxxx
EM!!!!! wow. Happy Happy Birthday a million times over!! So so good to see a post from YOU (not that lucy and emmie and everyone weren't fab, of course!) enjoy your day, and all the many many more to come :D
loads of love,
rachel "about to walk thirteen miles in possible snow, but now will be doing it with a big grin on my face..." xxxxx
Happy Birthday sweetie and so so good to see you blogging again...we missed you!! Hope you have a wonderful day - and take it easy, this new chapter's one you can really take time to relish in!
Love & hugs, Katie xx
Hi Emily!
It's brilliant to see you here! Welcome back sweetie! And a very happy birthday!!!
Love, Marjolein
Welcome back you, and happy birthday. Just had another little happy cry as I always do when there's a new update on your progress :-)
Remember to take it easy, you've plenty of time ahead of you to rush round doing everything you've been dreaming of.
Fantastic to have you back!
Noodles x
Welcome back Emily and have a fantastic birthday. Go and enjoy it right now. There's plenty of time to write when you do your autobiography!
(...Big hurrahs all round that planet's most inspirational person has delivered another speech...)
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Bill & Jax
Dearest Emily,welcome back sweetie. A very happy birthday to you, a happy Mother's Day to your Mum, and congratulations to all of you - your wonderful sisters, Dad, A and all your supportive family and friends for pulling through this together.
The elation of your success will be followed by a bit of deflation as your poor battered body adjusts to what it's been through. It's only once we have got through big ordeals and come out successfully at the other side that we relax and it really hits us. So be very kind to yourself and rest lots. You are no longer running out of time so can afford the luxury of relaxing and being downright lazy. You have, thank God, your whole life ahead of you and boy are you going to enjoy it once your energy levels return.
Have a fab day. Hugs to you and yours,
Emily, so happy to hear from you. Happy Birthday.
Love, Randall
Happy Birthday Emily, so glad you are able to post today of all days.
Happy Birthday lovely Emily! And Welcome Back to your blog - I must say you've been missed! Congratulations on getting your transplant! YAY!!!!!!!!
Lots of pinkness and happiness
Love Katie
Well done beautiful girlie!!
Have a great birthday!
Its unbelieveable reading your very own post! Love to you and all the family - Grace and MoO xxxxxx
Welcome back to cyber land Emily and a very Happy Birthday to you. Enjoy your day - you deserve to be pampered from start to finish. Much love xx
Hey Emily! Happy Birthday to you and great to hear you are home now.Have a good day and take care Hugs /Marie 22 w/cf double lung tx 2/2-07.
welcome home, Emily, Happy Birthday and happy Mother's day to Ann. What a load of celebrating to do in one go...take it easy.
love sal and the Oldham gang
HAPY BIRTHDAY EMILY!! Sorry to shout - but we are spifflicated that you are there, alive and getting weller by the minute on your birthday.
Have the most wonderful day - I bet this is the best Mother's Day your mum has ever had, too.
Lots of love
Sarah and David
Helloooooo Emily and Happeeee Birthdayyy to youuuuuuuuuuuu!
Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!
Welcome back and muchly love. YAYYYYYY YAY YAY!
So good to see you back finally Emily. Well done on getting through everything. I still have trouble getting my head round the transplant thing, and I'm two years on!
Have the best birthday ever. Live life to the full now - although take your time, as it's hard work!
Lots of love to you and yours!
Pauline xxx
Hapiiiiiiiii Birthday!!!!!
Lots of love,
Justine xxx
Great to see you post Emily. Have a wonderful day.
Jayne xxx
Yay! What i felt when i saw that first post from you was amazing, im so so happy for you. Hope you have a truley wonderful birthday, you deserve it more than anyone.
Love and hugs always. Tasha.xx
Happy Birthday Emily :D
So good to see you posting yourself and soo greatful to your family and friends for updating us whilst you in hospital etc much appreciated.
Can understand still such a lot to take in etc almost sure feel 'sureal'. However know you are a determined young lady and sure will make most of your 'gift of life'.
Do take things easy not quite expecting you out clubbing/partying or extensive shopping 'just yet' although then again .... ;) lol. Sure lotta mix emotions wizzin around your head -only natural 'just take each day at a time and you know you have soooo many people willing you on etc.....
Take care (((hugz))) Elaien Rach & family xxxxx
ps Happy Mothers Day to your mum too.....
Happy Birthday Em... So pleased you are home to celebrate it... Hope you have a wonderful day.. and how wonderful to see you posting again... You have come such a long way.. I know there is still a way to go but everyone is so proud of you!! Have a wonderful pink day!!
xx Sandy xx
Oh it's lovely to have you back sweetie!!! Please just be very gentle with yourself and take it easy. You've been through so much and there will be ups and downs but the main thing is you are here to stay and you have all the time in the world to relax and recover! So smiley to be able to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY today!
Tons of love
Emma, Brad and Daisy (woof!)
hi emily,adam and family
this is so wonderful to see you back emily :-)sending gentle hugs to someone who is special to everyone,have a great birthday emily,sending hugs and kisses xxx and sloppy ones from daisy and murphy xxx((((hugs))))
inga,tosh,daisy,murphy xxx
Welcome back darling Emily, so good to read a post from yourself and what a day to write it on.
Have the happiest of birthdays,relax and enjoy yourself. I bet your Mum is having THE most wonderful Mother's Day.
All our love, Maggie, Archie and Chris xxx
Welcome back sweetiebobble - now take some well earned time to get used to the 'new' you and build up your strength one day at a time. Xxx
YAY!!!! Lovely to hear from you and Happy Birthday!!! I am so pleased for you. Take it easy now and become a little stronger each day. You are such an inspiration! Wills has just been referred for small bowel transplant assessment. We don't yet know if he is suitable but, if so, we wil be thinking of your story every step of the way.
Loads of love from Sarah and a big cuddle from William xxx
Happy B'Day, Sweetiebobble!!! Sorry couldn't make the jazzy party due to gammy-inner-ear-itis, thx 4 cake, love from Flipper
See you soon!
Welcome home - it's lovely to see you posting again. I won't even begin to guess how you are feeling at the moment, but just want to let you know I'm thinking of you, and hope you are settling back in ok. I like the Alice in Wonderland analogy btw :-)
Love Jac xx
Happy Birthday Chick! Was so absolutely fantastically wonderfully magically pink and sparkly to see you without tubes and oxygen today!!! I was really and truly taken a back by how how healthy you look and sound... as you may have gathered from my distinct open-mouthed gapingness! Three Cheers for Em!!!
Firstly I’m writing with a big grin on my face, it’s brilliant to read your blog by you again (a big thanks to everyone who kept us update, it meant a lot to us). Was loving the pictures of you in the last blog.
Happy birthday! Have an amazing sparkly and pink day!
Jenjens xxx
Hi Em,
So delighted that you got the gift of life and thrilled that you are now home and able to enjoy your birthday. Have a fantastic day and take your time to get better slowly until really strong and fit!!
Much love
Julia and family
Happy Birthday Em!!!! Great to see your blog! Hope you had a great Day and have not worn yourself out!!Lots of pampering, that's what you need, and I'm sure you will get!! Everyone was praying and thinking of you, and hey!!! it worked!!! Take care, love to you all Love Diane T xxxx I can imagine how excited Anne was today!! give her my love please xxx
Yey! So good to see a post from you! Finally my computer has let me see this page...
I hope you've had a fab birthday :D
Looking forward to more pink and smiley entries!
Loads of love xxx
Wishing you every happy, pink and sparkly wish on your birthday. With your gift of life we hope it will be the first of many, many more to come. Don't forget you have two brthdays now ! with love from Pauline and all at the Donor Family Network
happy birthday Emily wishing you a very happy pink and sparkly future!
Fantastic to see you back Em, and happy happy birthday for yesterday! I am sooo pleased you made it through and back to us, as it were. The fight has been well worth it eh?!
all ky love
Good to see you back Em, coming home is a huge step in the right direction but still hard work eh!! Take it easy chuck.
Love 'n' hugs
Sue x
It's good to hear from you, chuck.
Now that you've got all your celebrating over with, I think it's high time you updated your profile on your blog - it's all out of date now, even your age!
What do you mean you've got other things to do? Anyone would think you've hardly been at home this year. Pull yourself together, girl, you're slacking.
Love you! xx
How wonderful to read a blogg written by you Emily and home for your birthday and mothers day your family must be so happy.Pleae take care of yourself and don't try to do too much too quick it'll will all still be waiting for you when you regain your strength.You are a wonderful inspiration to everyone and now you can plan for your future and I'm sending you blessings that it will be a long and happy one !
much love ..Annex
Woo hoo!
Hope you had a wonderful birthday.
Take care Miss T.
Anders x
Only me again chick..sending lots of love...and groovi days ahead. Woohoo!!! Hola me anytime - when ur ready...4 lots of larfs...and shared experiences...and also if u have any queries about anything post transplant. XX Justine XX
Brilliant news, Emily, I'm so pleased for you. I've been following your blog and waiting to hear that you're up and about - great.
I completely understand the daze and unreality- it took me four months to realise that I had actually had my heart and lung transplant - it suddenly sunk in in the middle of going through bank statements - so wait for the eureka moment. Wonderful to be free of drains and tubes and be able to get the toe-nails painted without risking pulling out a chest drain. Good luck on all the various next stages - progress is not always steadily upwards as you know, but carry on being impatient, it means you've got loads to look forward to.
Love, and I'm cheering you on, Diana x
Welcome back to your blog Em.. Will be checking up on you to make sure you're resting and taking it easy..
Loads of love
fab to see u posting Emily - heres to many birthdays to come........and i hope you enjoyed the day.
lovely to see you posting emily - happy birthday - hope you had a lovely day and heres to many more birthdays.
so glad to see you posting - that's a fab birthday present! Keep up the good work - remember slow and steady wins the race - don't be too impatient!
love and hugs
Cal x
Hi Emily
Hope you had a wonderful Birthday so glad to hear you are home take care,lots of love Janet G & Family
So good to hear your voice again - virtually anyway! Welcome back Emily and Happy Birthday!!
Really can't wait to see you soon
love Hilaryxx
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