Just to add a small 'Part II' to yesterday's post, Emily and I had a lovely walk today outside in the sunshine... see the pics below for one very proud face, not to mention the pinkest dressing gown Harefield has ever seen. It was lovely to be out in the sun and have some normality, and she did some fabulous walking. We ended the day by having our first meal 'out' in the hospital cafeteria across the way. Tomorrow we plan to have lunch out again, and perhaps tackle some stairs! Bring it on. Thanks all for the lovely messages.

Fantastic to see!!!!!Well done Emily, it is so good to hear that you are enjoying 'normal'activities like lunches out etc. etc. How amazing it must feel for you to be free of all the tubes and suchlike. No wonder it still seems unreal to you now! Walking out of your front door is a nearer goal each day!!!Take care, Love Diane T
way to go emily - there will be no stopping you now - you go girl!
Yey for walks and meals "out"! Woohoo, what great news! And what a truly fabulous dressing gown! :D Here's to much more walking, talking and pink smiley-ness! xxx
YAAAAAAYYYYY and WOOOOHOOOO! The dressing gown looks fabulous, sweetie, as do you.
Love you lung time,
Philippa xxx
These are just the best images to see, Emily! Well done - I'm so pleased to see that you're up and about and I can't imagine how you and your lovely family are feeling. I hope that you all keep having wonderful experiences as have been described - you have so much good will behind you it's unbelievable.
Keep being all pink and smiley xxx
Dearest Emily
So good to see your lovely smile again.Let's hope the weather stays good so you can have more walks in the sunshine.You may even come home with a suntan! Enjoy your lunch 'out' tomorrow.
Lots of love,
C's in laws
Wow! Bet it is amazing to be walking about in the sunshine again...and with no oxygen or anything now!!! Keep this up and you'll be home before too long with your new lungs and your new life YAY! Lovely to see such smiley piccies too!
Loads of love xxxxxxxxxxx
em, you rock! simply awesome, and i'm sure that's how it all feels for you too. am loving the photos, and the huge smiles that are featured in all of them...
enjoy your lunch out, and the many more to come! xxxx
this is so great - yesterday I had a silly smile fixed on my face for most of the day, thinking of Emily tube-free and unencumbered. What a joy to get out of doors for a bite to eat and a walk in the sunshine. Seeing how we take these simple things for granted really helps to get the rest of our lives into perspective. Have a fabulous time Emily; the last couple of years, and in particular the last couple of months, must have been hellish so you have heaps of catching up to do living-wise. Your family and A must be so thrilled to see this.
love as always,
Truly wonderful to see...brought a wee tear to my eyes...way ta go Em!
Cat x
words cannot express how happy i am to hear your amazing progress (though needless to say i never had any doubts that you could do it)!! i didn't get to see you in january coz you were (very inconveniently!!!) having your transplant but now it looks like i'l get to see you very soon! Keep going Emily and big hugs from Leeds!
Emma L xxxx
So....u have ventured to the canteen...soon pubs...there is a non-smoking pub nr Harefield called the Coy Carp...its yum yum!! Glad to see u up and about. Well done u!! Will be in touch again soon. Lots of love, Justine Laymond. xxxxxxxxxxx
Here's to 'ladies who lunch'! Xx
Oh Emi... am so happy! What a wonderful picture...
Loads of love
Good on you Emily how long before you are trying out the high heels ?
Good on you Emily how long before you are trying out the high heels ?
wow fresh air!!!! yeyyyyyyyyyyyy & sunshine what more can you ask for?
So good to see your pics much appreciated lovely BIG sparkley smile awwwwwwwwww
hugz Elaine Rach and all xxx
This is the most wonderful news! I've been keeping up with you ever since I found your blog. The pictures are wonderful! I can hardly wait till you're home and feeling great, what will you do with all your time?
All my best, big smiles from the states
Carol Sweeten
Emily! wow thats amazing news.nice pics.so happy for you:D.
Hugs /Marie, 2/2-07 i got my double lung tx.
Emm, Well done hun, its sooooooooooooo i could go on with oooooooo's,great to see you smiling in the sunshine.... I am so proud of you, you are just an inspiration to others so they can do the same, its not impossible, YOU DID IT!!!!! WEll done YOU!!!
Lots of Love Sally G (gregs friend) and my girls too, they are always asking about you., well the 7yr old is, as the 3 yr old, not so much!! :-) ....
Wow Em, you look great!!! I have been away offline for the last 7 weeks in hospital with Wills and have been looking in whenever I got the chance. We got home today and it is so lovely to see the pictures and so much great news. You are such a huge huge inspiration. William is being referred for transplant assessment this week and, while we don't yet know if he will be suitable, seeing these pictures certainly makes us full of hope if it turns out he is. Can't wait to hear more news.
loads of love
Sarah xxxx
Wow.. You look fantastic Emily... I bet you raelly enjoyed the fresh...esp the fact there was no oxygen tubes with you.. Well Done Em..
And what a pink dressing gown!!! Bet your glad to be having lunch in the canteen to.. A big ysy to you Em... You will soon be home and catching up on everything you have missed out on, in the last couple of years....
Go Em... xx
XX Sandy xx
Emily, thanks for the news and pictures. I'm so happy for you.
Love, Randall
Looking great emmily. Keep up the good work, things will only get better.
You cant imagine how great you are going to feel. Take care, hope all goes well for you.
Chris Pearson
well done em so proud of you..u've done so well!
keep up the good work
love the pics
hope to meet you one day now hehehehe
well done em! so proud of you
keep up the good work
hope to meet you one day at harefield
take care
be good
Hi Emily, It is so fantastic to see you out and about, YAY for ladies who lunch.Looking forward to your first post op blog. Love you so much Em,
Maggie xxx
Dear Emily, just a quick word to wish you a very good weekend. It should be the best one you have had in a very long time so enjoy!!
all love,
Reading this Blog and seeing those pictures has put the biggest smile on my face.I am so proud of how amazingly you are doing.
Yay for Pink dressing gowns - they rock!!! :)
hugs,hugs and more hugs.
Nic xxx.
excellant to hear, am silently blubbing (trying not to disturb peters horror flick which he is subjecting me to grrr). i am so so happy for you all, and cant wait for the 'I am home now' posts. keep going Em!
Fantastic pics, and I must echo Justine's comments on the Coy Carp pub.... a nice seat by the river in the sunshine with a yummy lunch is the way forward!!
Keep up the good work, Em.
noodles xx
Way to go Emily - so good to see you out and about walking and free! Keep up the good work - watch out world!
Aaaw, what lovely news and what lovely photos :)
so happy for you
take care,
Get those red shoes on Em and start clicking the heels - i want to go home-I Want To Go Home-I WANT TO GO HOME!!!
Hey Em....what wonderful news & pics. Well done. I'm sure you're feeling great with your new lungs. Go on & enjoy life now. One Life...live if up. I have a 6yr old daughter with CF myself and we make the most out of each & every day. We're so hooked to your website.
Take care
Josette from Malta xxx
Just got back from a trip abroad with no internet access. I'm so pleased I've come home to such lovely news! Well done Emily!
lots of love
Happy Days!!!!!!!
wonderful, wonderful news. It is so great to see you out in the real world again.
love sal and all in Oldham
a woof from Suzi
Gray pants, black shoes?!?! No, that won't DO for the pink lady!
The dressinggown makes up for it a touch i guess!
WOW that’s fantastic and amazing and lots of other words like that to see you walking about with no tubes! :oD ... I'm so happy for you! I remember not so long ago being on Foulis with you and you were on oxygen and took ages to get about... well looks like I’ll be seeing a little less of you in there from now on!
Keep on improving, I’m so thrilled!
Greg xx
Hey Em
Just truely fantastic to see those wonderful piccys of you up on your feet and breathing in the fresh air. what an amazing little angel you are.
Cannot wait to see you in person and give you a big hug.
with all my love and so many 'hello's' from the little group team....
Masses of love,Nickyxxx
OMG Emily, I have just visited after a little break and what a shock to see you have been outside walking, and you look so well, you keep it up and you will soon be home
Debbie (friend of Bev and Lucy)
Hiya Emily card on way to you hope reaches you VERY soon
hugz Elaine & Rach xx
Take care such beautiful day today :D
Hi Emily, I hope you are making more and more fantastic progress. Let's face it, you need to be in form for your upcoming B'Day - it is next Sunday, correct? May it be the very best birthday ever.
Keep on getting well. All love,
Hi Emily
You don;t know me, but Marjolein gave me your site, she writes about you on her own log, and that's were I did read the fact that you're free of tubes and everything! I think you're a fighter!
I hope you keep this up!!!
greetings Tamara
We're so pleased for you!
Just checking your blog again Emily, and I really thought I'd already left a comment, but I can't see it!
Anyway, so good to see a picture of you finally! Isn't it great to be able to move without tubes everywhere.
Your life will just get better and better from here. It took me a long time to recuperate fully (12 weeks in hsopital post transplant) That was 2 years ago, and I am (almost) superwoman!!!!
Hope to hear from you when you get home. Apparently that might happen for your birthdy, that would be some party eh?
Lots of love
As it's too early for such glorious sunshine, I've come to the conclusion it's shining for you!
Keep up the good work, Emily. It's wonderful to see you getting stronger.
Audrey xxx
Went to visit Em yesterday and can not express how lovely it was to see her looking so much better than when I saw her 3 weeks ago (in intensive care!). It was wonderful to see her with no tubes attached and no oxygen, I was a pretty useless visitor as I just kept smiling at her!
Huge love to her family who have done such an amazing job looking after Em and maintaining there own lives.
With love
Claire xxx
Awww so nice to hear of how smiley Em is from people who have been to see her. Wish I could visit you too Em, I'm dying to have a good catch up! Still, in a few months I can see you again so I'll stay patient. Brad and Daisy send you lots of love too xxxx
It's great news that you are up and about. Lovely to see the pics and fingers crossed that you make a bid for freedom in time for all the lovely weather.
Keep smiling
Jayne xx
OMG! OMG! OMG!!!!!!!!! I am in awe, shock, disbelief! OMG!!! I was just in the hospital with a slight infection in my lungs. But they are settled now. I am fighitng a bit of rejection ofmy lungs also. But honestly it is no biggy. That is always expected after transplant. My transplant coordinator made me say out oud to myself five times. "I will get some rejection!" Bleh! lol
I am so happy to see those pics and that HUGE HUGE grin on your face EM!! AHHH! I am so happy for you!! YOU ARE SO STRONG, BRAVE, ETC.. (ALL THOSE GOOD THINGS, You've heard ti all by now because you are simply all those good things!) ;)
Many hugs and healing pink fluffy smiley vibes form the USA!
Hey Em, it goes without saying that I am so happy for you and everyone who knows you. You look so good without all your 'attachments' and walking about. Great to see you back to your old self, if a little different inside ;)
Much love
Hi Emily,
So glad you had your transplant and are going home for your birthday. And what a great birthday presentfor you and a great Mothers day present for your Mum.
Hope you have a wonderful time with your new lungs just in time for the summer.
So go and enjoy your new life you deserve it.
Best wishes to you and your family
iewxizfI read on the cf forum that you may even be home now!!!Yey!!!! Welocome home to your new life!!!How fantastic that must feel. And so great for everyone in your fsmily. Have a great birthday and what better gift has Anne, than her Em back!!! Take great care, that moment of walking out of your front door without tubes etc is now reality. I cannot stop smiling so I don't pretend to know how you are all feeling!Great news!! You are a true fighter, an example and inspiration to so many others. Well done!! Love Diane T xxxxxx
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