I said in the last post that any developments would be posted a.s.a.p, and you'll be pleased to know that there have been several in the last week! Since the last post, Emily has had a speaking valve fitted, so has been talking lots, and she has been able to eat (with the trachae still in)... consuming everything she can, from pasta to soup to scrambled eggs!
She also had the wonderful experience of going outside for the first time in six weeks, wrapped in a blanket of course. It has just been wonderful to have Em feeling herself again... I saw her yesterday when she was taking part in some physio (something she says is the highlight of her day). This strenuous 'training' involved some spectacular line dancing! I can't describe the feeling of seeing the first real beaming smile on her face since the operation, and I'm just so happy it's all become real to her.
Today was the biggest step; Emily was moved on to E ward, the regular ward for post-transplant recovery. For myself, Abby and our parents, being in and out of the ITU for seven weeks has been a surreal experience... very serious for obvious reasons, but also very uplifting. It is amazing to see the doctors and nurses dedicating everything to their patients, and the positive and professional approach of Em's transplant team and physios has been truly inspirational. It is very exciting to have Em on E ward, especially as now the whole family can cram in and sit together, which hasn't happened for quite a while. Thanks again for your continuing support, Em sends her love and will be instructing me when and what to update until she has access to it herself.
P.s. This is Lucy... sorry Emmie I didn't realise you had just posted too! I would also like to thank everyone who got a ticket for LFL... it's going to be a once in a lifetime evening, and I'm very happy that it's going to be everything Emily imagined. Enjoy the show!
30 days of me
4 years ago